Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today is the first day of classes for this semester, and I'm kind of nerdishly excited about it. I haven't done anything remotely requiring brainpower for over five weeks, and it will definitely be nice to get back in the swing of things. If I tilt my head to the side a bit I can hear oatmeal sloshing around where there used to be a brain. Also, I'm taking a 15 credit Scandinavian Studies program, which obviously won't count towards my Environmental Studies degree, so I'm going into the class with the mindset that it's more like five months of learning for kicks and less of taking a class to get a grade. Is there any better way to spend a semester than reading up on vikings and Swedish folklore and SPACE TRAVEL (this is a lecture, I kid you not)? Probably not. I'm hoping that a social science course, which I've never really taken before at AU, will force me to do heavy research and write term papers and generally prep me for what is sure to be an academic bloodbath next year.

Anyways, the class isn't exclusively for exchange students; with Swedes in attendance, I'm going to need to look the part.

I might be able to fool them until they start speaking to me and I'm all like UHHHHHHH, hej, jag heter Sarah, vad heter du? and they just stare at me blankly because I haven't been able to mask my American accent enough to make sounds even remotely close to those required to speak Swedish properly.

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